Umpiring, Rules, Policies and Feedback

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Rules of the Game and club By-laws

Official Rules of the game and comments can be downloaded from TBAWA website. Some additional FAQ around rules can be found below.


Are two fielders allowed on a single bag to get an out? ie: 1st bag fielder waiting to receive the ball, 2nd bag fielder picks ball up and runs to 1st bag to stand on the bag at the same time.

Answer: Yes, as long as they are not obstructing the runner, in which case, obstruction should be called.

If 1st bag fielder stands on the orange safety bag, is this out, if the ball beats the runner?

Answer:   The orange safety bag is a club rule and is not considered part of the diamond. If the field stands on only the orange safety bag without making any contact with the white bag in the diamond it will be considered safe as the bag is not part of the diamond.

What is the rule for a runner being hit by a battered ball?

Answer: If they intentionally interfere with the ball, with no attempt to avoid the ball, the runner will be given out. Otherwise play on.

If a thrown ball crosses the foul ball line before the runner gets to first bag, why aren’t they allowed to go to 2nd?

Answer: Rule 17.3 states the runner gets the next base. As the runner had not reached 1st bag yet then the next bag is 1st bag.

The ball landed on the line and then went in foul territory but the umpire said play on?

Answer: A fare ball is based on where the ball lands, not the pathway after.


To ensure all players develop and enjoy the game, the club has introduce some by-laws.

  • Prior to the commencement of the game, the Plate Umpire is responsible to ensure that the Diamond is clear of any rubbish and/or debris, and ensure the bases are pegged correctly.
  • Hats and appropriate footwear should be encouraged.
  • Score slips must be completed and returned to the  trailer after every game.
  • Games shall be for a duration of 1 hour irrespective of how many innings.
  • In games where one team is winning by more than 10 runs, no aggressive base running and coaches should attempt to develop their weaker players.
  • Coaches are allowed on field with Juniors games. Parents are expected to join in with the Subbies.
  • Throwing the bat in junior games shall receive a warning first and at the discretion of the umpire an out may follow.  Coaches should encourage batter to dispose/drop of the bat after three running steps.
  • Players in all age groups should be given equal opportunity to play in every fielding position. It is at the Coach’s discretion how this is done; however all players must:
    • play every fielding position at least three (3) times throughout the season;
    • not occupy the same position in consecutive fielding innings;
    • play at least one infield and one outfield position in each game;
    • not change fielding positions in an innings unless injured; and
    • not sit out twice in each game unless injured or all other players have sat out at least once. Note: this rule does not apply to Interdistrict teams.
  • Pitcher can’t tag the batter running to 1st base, they must throw the ball to the 1st base fielder to get the out.
  • Yellow safety bag at 1st base for Juniors.  – as State Championships get closer some more experienced teams may lose the safety bag to prepare the players for this event.   The orange safety bag is a club rule and is not considered part of the diamond. If the fielder stands on only the orange safety bag without making any contact with the white bag in the diamond it will be considered safe as the bag is not part of the diamond.
  • Team is short of players – Subbies and Juniors can always play up if available. If not, teams are to share players to have 8 players each. So, if one team has 9 and the other 7, they both play with 8 each. Only if the numbers go under 8 per team is a player from seniors brought down, Seniors should play in the outfield an not influence the game significantly. No state Player should play down.
  • Any batter hitting the ball over the fence on the full is an automatic home run and a fee drink/slushy from the canteen.
  • Any subbie or junior player (not playing states previously) striking out within the first 5 weeks of games will be allowed to continue with the aid of the coach for a maximum of another 3 swings.
  • Base coaches are not allowed to touch a batter unless time has been called.  ie: Base coaches can not physically push runner to the next bag.
  • Runners are not allowed to remove their helmet, once removed umpire to call time and runners will be required to move to the closest bag.
  • Suicide/Incitement running – runners should not be attempting to advance bases to encourage fielding errors.  Time should be called when runners are close to a bag and the ball is controlled within the diamond.
  • Obstruction – fielders not in possession or in the action of possessing the ball, should make an attempt to not obstruct the runner. Penalty the next bag plus one from where the play stops.
  • Avoiding a tag -runner can not deviate from the running line to avoid a tag.  

Other Forms and Information

Club info leaflet (the leaflet will be emailed to members once registrations have been completed) –

FTBSBA Constitution – updated July 2016


Communications & Social Media Policy

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