Adult Teeball – Team Registrations For registrations click here.
Saturday 26th November 2022
Modified rules will be developed specifically for the carnival because as adults our brains are saying “go for it” while our bodies are saying “I don’t think so…”
Create & enter your own team of 9-10 players for only $150!!
This event can be fancy dress – great costumes win prizes and a most excellent team name!
Prizes for best dressed, $150 cash for the winners, $100 voucher for second place, and other random prizes during the day.
This is a FUN afternoon so you don’t necessarily need to be on your best behaviour or know the complete rules of teeball. Every team will need to help fill roles to ensure everyone can participate, including umpiring, scoring etc
If you can help with organising or sponsorship, or you would like to ask any questions, please contact Anita (